Eye Mouth Eye

A fake app built by a decentralized group to trick the ultra-wealthy into opening their wallet for Black orgs.

Though this project was far from perfect and we made some mistakes — Within 48 hours, we did manage to trick the billionaires in the Silicon Valley to donate over $300k to Black orgs, by thinking that they were investing in an exclusive invite-only app.

What we did with 👁👄👁 put a magnifying glass on the ultra-wealthy. While America was protesting in the streets against systems of white supremacy, police brutality, and for civil rights — the Silicon Valley could care less. All they could focus on were exclusive apps like Clubhouse, Soho House, how to market & psychoanalyze gen-z for profit, and over-priced email clients.

So, we gave them what they “wanted” — but not without making them open their wallet and do a little self-reflection on their values.

‘20 ⁕ Side Project